• امروز : پنجشنبه, ۲۹ آذر , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Thursday - 19 December - 2024
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FDA Gives Nod to RSV Vaccine for People in Their 50s
Infectious Disease

FDA Gives Nod to RSV Vaccine for People in Their 50s

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday has for the first time approved the use of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for people in their 50s who are at increased risk for the illness

Moderna Announces Good Results From Trial of Combo COVID/Flu Vaccine
Infectious Disease

Moderna Announces Good Results From Trial of Combo COVID/Flu Vaccine

An experimental vaccine that could offer one-stop prevention for both COVID-19 and influenza is showing positive results among older adults in trials, maker Moderna announced Monday.

Study Supports Safety of High-Dose General Anesthesia
General Health

Study Supports Safety of High-Dose General Anesthesia

Older adults who avoid surgery because they fear general anesthesia will cause thinking declines need not worry, researchers report.

Just 18% of People Who Need Lung Cancer Screening Get It

Just 18% of People Who Need Lung Cancer Screening Get It

Only a fraction of Americans are getting recommended lung cancer screenings, new research shows.

Dirty Air Could Be Raising Your Alzheimer’s Risk

Dirty Air Could Be Raising Your Alzheimer’s Risk

People exposed to high levels of traffic-related air pollution are more likely to have more amyloid plaques in their brain, a condition associated with Alzheimer’s disease, a new study finds.

Your Brain Prefers Writing by Hand Than by Keyboard

Your Brain Prefers Writing by Hand Than by Keyboard

'Young folk don't write in cursive anymore' is a common complaint of older folks in this keyboard-obsessed age.

Could Deep Frying Foods Harm the Brain? Rat Study Suggests It Might

Could Deep Frying Foods Harm the Brain? Rat Study Suggests It Might

Fried foods not only wreck the waistline, but they could also be harming the brain, a new study of lab rats suggests.

Obesity in Childhood Doubles Odds for MS in Young Adulthood

Obesity in Childhood Doubles Odds for MS in Young Adulthood

Children who are obese face double the odds of developing multiple sclerosis later in life, a new study warns.